
Why Are Knowledge Management Systems Beneficial To Service Desk Analysts?

Dorsum in the days of the Industrial Revolution, philosopher Jeremy Bentham proposed the carrot-and-stick approach to motivation. Based on an former anecdote, this theory suggested that people could be motivated by reward and punishment.

Any sort of "punishment" is outside of the question in the 21st century but what about rewards? What rewards are employees looking for today?

Well, surprisingly or non, information technology's not money. Information technology's employee training and development. Lauren Hasson, Founder of DevelopHer, states that "when employees feel invested in and that their value is recognized, their engagement and loyalty to a business tends to increment which in turn positively impacts a businesses the bottom line."

Example in point: A staggering 94% of all employees interviewed for LinkedIn'due south Workplace Learning Study said that they would stay longer with a company that invested in their careers. In another survey, Udemy plant that learning and development is the virtually important benefit to virtually half of Millennials.


Today's employees are looking for jobs that give them meaning and help them grow.

Every bit Career Motorcoach Emily Eliza Moyer says, "If managers can guide employees to connect their individual purpose dorsum to the work they practice every day, and even ameliorate, back to the company mission, they'll be cartoon from the deepest source of motivation. Purpose is the greatest driver for both impact and fulfillment."

Simply, and so, in that location is the other side of this equation. Ongoing employee training is not only something workers want. It's something they demand.

With AI and other technologies advancing at ultrasonic speed, the importance of preparation and development is growing as well. Deloitte predicts that 54% of all employees will require significant reskilling and upskilling in just iii years. According to SHRM, HR professionals are already having difficulty recruiting due to skills shortage.

In this landscape, the best time to invest in employee preparation and development would be... right now.

In this post, with the assistance of experts who accept developed and implemented employee training programs, we'll discuss:

  • What employee preparation and development is actually all about
  • The benefits of preparation your employees and developing their skills
  • Types of employee preparation and development programs
  • Training and evolution methods
  • How to build an effective employee training program
  • Best tools for employee grooming and development

Ready to get started? Great! But before we dive into the details, let's get our terminology directly.

What is Employee Training and Development?

Training and development is an ongoing procedure where companies help their employees acquire the noesis and skills needed to reach their full potential and optimum performance. A lot of times, training and evolution are used interchangeably simply, strictly speaking, in that location is a difference.

Training employees is nearly instruction them how to perform a specific task or process. Information technology'south usually focused on short-term gains—enabling employees to get better at their current job. For case:

  • Training employees to utilise the latest update of your part suite
  • Grooming a new hire to use your billing system
  • Introducing the latest digital marketing tools to your marketing department

Evolution, on the other hand, is virtually growth and acquiring skills that will be benign in the long term. For instance:

  • Hosting a boot camp on workplace communication
  • Establishing a culture of noesis sharing
  • Starting a mentorship program for rising stars in your sales team

Without getting too caught up in the terminology, let's move on to answering some other major question: "Why is training and evolution of import?"

Benefits of Employee Grooming and Development

Improved performance

Staff preparation is directly linked to better operation considering it helps employees become more skilled, more than confident and more than knowledgeable about their industry.

Higher job satisfaction and motivation

Continuous training and development makes employees feel more valued, inspiring them to give 100%.

Improved loyalty and retention

Employees come across grooming and development as an additional visitor benefit and stay longer with companies that provide such opportunities.

"Dedicating resources to grooming and development allows employees the opportunity to grow within your organization. There is a strong correlation between employee growth and staying with a company for the long term, therefore reducing your turnover rate." —Fletcher Wimbush , CEO, The Hire Talent

Improved date

Chore-specific training and career development opportunities are among the tiptop factors that make employees feel more than engaged.

Smaller skills gap

Employee preparation programs aid companies bridge whatsoever existing or imminent skill gaps, strengthen weak links and enable internal hiring (which is more than cost-effective compared to external hiring).

Competitive edge

Empowering employees with the knowledge and skills they need helps your visitor remain competitive in today's fast-paced business environment.


Training and development programs help employees to come up with creative solutions when they encounter challenges at piece of work.

Efficient cognition transfer

If you stimulate employees to larn from ane another, you will be improve prepared for succession, onboarding and turnover.

Improved company reputation

Companies are competing for workers nowadays. If you invest in preparation and development, it volition be much easier to concenter and retain superlative talent.

Profit growth and cost savings

"An employee who struggles with the technical aspects of their job could be sent to constructive training and come back with faster speeds, higher sentence and accurateness, and this could make him 15% more than competent in his job. The visitor has then realized a 15% proceeds in the value of that employee." —Katy Caselli, Organizational Psychologist, Founder and President of Building Giants

Research studies ostend Katy'southward point: Employee training and development programs can help you reduce turnover and hiring costs, while also maximizing your profits (upwardly to 2x).

Lesser-known benefits

We interviewed several experts in the field, asking nigh the lesser-known benefits of employee preparation and development. Hither's what they said.

"One lesser-known benefit is networking. By participating in employee evolution programs it gives your people a chance to become to know others from different parts of the arrangement and at unlike levels. These can evolve into helpful professional relationships, friendships, mentoring relationships, and ways to detect new opportunities.

Another is esprit. Often employees feel that they are alone in the challenges they face. Participating in a training and development plan helps people understand that what they are going through has been faced past others as well. Information technology gives a sense of "I'm not alone, many of us are in the same boat, and there are people who can help." —Jennifer K. Stine, PhD, Contained Consultant

"One lesser-known value is creating feelings of belonging, significance, pride, and competence in your squad. We oftentimes neglect the solar day-to-mean solar day experience of work – and an experience that makes us experience valued tin can build positive relationships between leaders and directly reports – and amidst colleagues. Secondly, training and development can likewise cultivate your civilisation also equally functional skills. Civilisation can be idea of equally your shared definition of success and how it should be achieved. If you take technical training that'southward too an opportunity to teach and enforce your values." —Jennifer Yugo, PhD, Managing Manager at Corvirtus

Now that you accept a solid reason to consider developing a training and development plan, let's start looking into the "how".

Types of Employee Training and Development

Below are the basic types of training and development initiatives that you might want to organize.


A one-fourth dimension outcome to welcome a new hire that usually covers topics like company mission, corporate civilisation, authoritative procedures.


Like orientation, onboarding is part of new employee training. The deviation is that onboarding is a series of ongoing lessons or learning sessions to help a new employee acquire the critical skills they demand.

Technical training

Technical training is for jobs that require technical skills like data analysis, programming, etc.

Soft skills training

More in the area of employee development, soft skills training helps your workforce enhance personal attributes like communication, leadership, emotional intelligence.

Products and services training

Used to educate staff on the latest products, services or features your company offers so that they can provide the correct support to customers.

Leadership training

The all-time employees often get promoted to management positions and, when this happens, they need to be trained in skills like determination-making, conflict resolution and project management.

Rubber training

Public-sector employees are often required to take occupational health and safety training so that the company can stay compliant with industry standards.

Training and Development Methods

"A comprehensive too as engaging training and development plan integrates various methods of pedagogy. Aye, some aspects of grooming may need to exist delivered lecture-manner, merely there'southward a benefit in engaging participants in the lecture. Kickoff the session with a question and answer. Provide the
individuals the opportunity to be active participants in their learning.

Allowing participants to engage in part-playing and scenarios is an effective method to allow them to demonstrate their understanding of the textile. Combining in-person and cocky-service online training is a way to ensure business concern continuity without sacrificing employee evolution

." —Eric Mochnacz, Hour Consultant, Ruby-red Clover

Instructor-led training

Instructor-led training can be a highly effective method for complex topics because it allows the teacher to answer questions on the fly and suggest additional training resource. At the same fourth dimension, employees can receive individual guidance.

A potential downside of teacher-led training is that it may exist costly and time-consuming compared to online training options. However, it's still worth including in your training and development strategy, co-ordinate to Dr Jennifer K. Stine,

"Don't overlook in-person programs. While online is attractive, cost-effective, and not bad for skill development, we are social learners. Provide people with options to learn in-person, especially for management and leadership skills."


Online employee training is extremely popular today because it allows workers to advance at their ain stride, on whatever device they like. eLearning programs make utilise of online videos, tests, and gamified components to engage the participants and better noesis retentivity.

One of the biggest advantages of online training is the ability to railroad train a large number of people at a relatively low price.


VR headsets and augmented reality devices are at present widely available and a growing number of organizations are adding these technologies to their employee training plans. The toll to develop a simulation program is much college compared to eLearning but it can exist more suitable for some industries where grooming is mostly done one on ane.

For example, last year, Walmart developed a VR training programme to aid employees ameliorate navigate real-world situations on Black Friday.

Mentoring and coaching

Mentoring and coaching are both flavors of ane-on-one easily-on training. The only difference is that mentoring is done with someone inside your organization, while coaching is washed with a trained professional from an external firm.

Mentoring and coaching are suitable for industries like sales where employees demand ongoing hands-on training by an experienced professional. This training approach can be time-consuming just, on the flip side, it enables the employee to receive individual attention and become all questions answered.


Cross-grooming employees is about enabling them to perform duties outside of their standard chore description. For example, a marketer tin cross-train in graphic design; a cashier can train in client service.

Cross-grooming benefits the employee besides as the company. The employee becomes more valuable and is much more than likely to accelerate her career, while the company builds a more flexible workforce.

Two of the most pop techniques for cross-training are chore-enlargement and enrichment and job rotation.

On-the-job preparation

As the name suggests, On-the-job training (OJT), is a grooming method that enables employees to learn new skills, noesis and competencies while performing their job. A common instance of OJT is a software vendor training employees in the HR department to apply a new talent management system.

This training method is a form of one-on-one learning, then it'due south all-time used when there are plenty resources available to back up employees during the program. Techniques that could be used include shadowing and stretch assignments.


Like eLearning, lectures enable you to train a big number of people with a relatively small investment. Nevertheless, keep in mind that this preparation method may exist a bit less engaging compared to the others on this list because it requires complete concentration for hours.


Group activities

Activities like workshops, boot camps and discussion groups can stimulate both learning and team building. They allow ane-to-many and many-to-many training, oft in an breezy surround. This employee training method is most suitable for teams that desire to exchange knowledge and solve problems collaboratively.


Role-playing is very like to group activities just, instead of a free-form give-and-take, information technology focuses on following a controlled scenario. This method is suitable for teams that need to develop empathy and consider various points of view.

Instance studies

Case studies enable employees to examine and learn from real-world situations. Employees can either read in their own fourth dimension or discuss example studies during group training.

How to Build an Effective Employee Training Program

Now that you know all about the benefits and methods, let'southward go over the employee training and development process.

ane. Secure executive and management support

No learning program will be successful without back up from the business leaders. Besides, managers, supervisors and team leaders must have insight into the skills and knowledge employees will acquire considering they are the ones measuring the bear upon of the training.

Action betoken: Present your learning and development projection to the appropriate business leaders.

2. Ensure employee buy-in

It's equally important for employees to empathise what they will walk away with. Certainly, many employees are keen on developing their personal and professional skills but it's e'er a skillful idea to boost their motivation a bit.

Action signal: Tell employees near the upcoming grooming and explicate how they will benefit personally, east.g. exercise better at the next performance review.

3. Identify business impact

Once you get the people involved, it'southward time to start designing your training and development programme. There are many ways to do this but, for this article, we'll follow the model provided by consulting business firm AllenComm.


The main starting point should exist to define what "success" ways to your visitor. This gives you the opportunity to mensurate the results of your training or employee development program.

Action betoken: Respond the questions, "What do you want to accomplish? What should exist the business impact?"

iv. Analyze skill gaps

The next step is to understand the gaps betwixt each employee's current skills and ideal skills. Find out what your employees need to know in order to fulfil the concern goals you set during the previous stride.

Dr Jennifer K. Stine advises to "s tart with your talent goals. What is it that your employees demand to know or could do ameliorate, that will assistance your visitor grow, and, once acquired, will be seen in a positive light when it comes to performance reviews?"

One way to easily map skill gaps is the competency framework.

(Source. Competency Framework Case)

Activity signal: In one case you understand the skill gaps, categorize your learning objectives into these three groups:

  • Motivation. Identify the "why" backside your training and development strategy and the ways you'll communicate it to employees.
  • Skills mastery. Pinpoint the skills that will have the highest impact on business organization operation.
  • Disquisitional thinking. Prioritize disquisitional cognition to make your staff training and development programme laser-focused and avoid distractions.

5. Layer grooming methods

Different people remember in widely different ways. Then, in that location is no i-size-fits-all when it comes to learning development. That's why one of the best practices in preparation and development is layered learning.

The premise is simple—enable employees to learn even so they like and wherever they want.


By the manner… sharing knowledge is one of the first steps to successful knowledge management which can, in turn, make it easier to railroad train employees at scale.

six. Evaluate effectiveness

If you set goals at the commencement of your grooming development, yous volition be able to track employee training progress and measure the impact in the end.

Action point: Use an evaluation framework such as the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model.

vii. Provide continued support

To create a lasting touch in your organization, you have to make sure that employees are actively using the cognition and skills they accept caused.

Action point: Arrange refresher courses and follow-up sessions to help employees retain and better utilise the cognition they've gained.

Knowledge base

If yous roll back up to the layered learning approach, you will find that "Shared cognition" is at the basis. Well, knowledge base of operations software is a blazon of learning and development tool that allows employees to share cognition. Instead of emailing a co-worker and waiting for an answer, the employee can simply search your knowledge base of operations and find the information he or she needs immediately.

If you desire to enable easy knowledge sharing, feel complimentary to give HelpJuice a try.

Learning management system (LMS)

An LMS is a specialized content management organisation that allows you to store and keep rail of various types of learning materials such every bit employee training videos, text, and documents. Since they're designed for online learning, LMS software ordinarily come with specialized tools such as quizzes, badges and leaderboards. One of the about popular LMS tools today is SAP Litmos.

Learning experience portal (LXP)

LXPs are the cool hip cousins of LMSs. LXPs mirror common technologies people utilize in their day-to-mean solar day lives such as streaming video and social media. Often called "the future of workplace learning", these tools take all the standard LMS features plus some additional features for a more immersive learning experience, thousand. a "Netflix-like" interface for streaming video.

One widely-used LXP is Degreed.

Project management tools

Project direction tools can assist with quality command of whatever materials used in instruction of your employees as well as assistance with communication to team members and stakeholders.

"In today's modernistic age, trainer and leadership collaboration is key to building an constructive preparation program. If supporting departments are working by sending multiple emails, with attachments and version histories, then collaboration can get messy, advice tin get overwhelming and attending to detail within the training resources can exist missed.

Tools that you may want to consider include OneDrive which allows multiple trainers and key leaders to work in existent-fourth dimension on a training resource also equally Planner which provides transparency to an unabridged team and supporting partners by keeping the required tasks organized and assigned, increasing accountability and productivity."  —Shaun Lowy, Director of Training & Evolution, PrimePay

Video preparation tools

If you're simply looking to provide one-on-one training to remote employees or to run an online class, yous probably don't need a full-blown LMS or LXP. In this case, widespread video and audio conferencing tools can be your best friend. Your teacher can live stream a lecture or a workshop and learners tin tune in from anywhere. Most platforms also come with live chat that allows participants to raise their hands when they need to.

Some of the tools you might want to consider are GoToMeeting, Zoom, and JoinMe.

Microlearning platforms

Constant information overload is causing our attention spans to shrink every year. To overcome this problem, some L&D professionals are opting for microlearning platforms. These tools enable them to turn heavy training lessons into nuggets of knowledge and make information easier to digest. If y'all're looking to implement microlearning, you tin endeavor a tool like TalentCards.


In-app grooming tools

Imagine your sales team has only received the latest Salesforce update. The interface has changed, there are a ton of new features and, well-nigh likely, some of your salespeople are wasting time trying to detect their way around the application. Or maybe, they'll continue without even suspecting the existence of these new features.

This is where in-app training tools can help. They can provide only-in-time guidance and grooming for employees that are learning how to employ a complex piece of software. If yous're looking for an in-app training tool, y'all may want to try Whatfix.

If You lot're Wondering Where to Start…

This was a long post and a lot to take in. If you're confused about where to commencement, there is one simple step you tin have right now—enable knowledge sharing.

Give your employees the opportunity to share what they know with each other and there will exist no more "I'yard waiting for Bob to detect some time and teach me how to utilise that program."

All yous need to kickstart your cognition sharing initiative is a knowledge base of operations platform similar Helpjuice. Just create a free account, invite your team and they can start publishing nuggets of cognition in a unmarried searchable portal. All employees will be able to find the information they need at any fourth dimension.

You can effort Helpjuice'southward knowledge base software without any risk. The first 14 days are on us.


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